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After an initial consultation, we will review all relevant educational records. These documents would possibly include your child's IEP, 504 plan, evaluations, report cards, progress reports, work samples, email correspondence between you and the school, and more. When our advocate is done looking through all the documents, you will meet with them again to go over their findings, as well as to answer any and all questions you may have about your child's plan.

As the parent/guardian of a child with an IEP, you have the right to bring an advocate to the meeting who is knowledgeable about your child. Having a GSEA advocate with you will only increase your ability to ensure your child gets the right services. Meetings related to your child, especially considering we're talking about a disability, can be emotionally draining, exhausting, and overwhelming. When Nick used to run them, he always made sure there was a box of tissues in the room! Schools bring a room full of experts to the table to ensure the district gets what they want, so having an advocate from GSEA ensures you have an expert on your side of the table to make sure you get what your child needs.
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